From: Richard Blaszczyk Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 Mead Notes & Recipes Standard Mead recipe - 5 gals 15 lbs honey 1 Tpsp gypsum 4 tsp acid blend 1/2 oz. yeast extract 1/4 tsp Irish moss powder 1/2 oz champagne yeast -re-hydrated @ 100 to 105 degrees F Traditional Polish Mead Trojniak - ("Triple" -refers to water to honey ratio) - 5 gals 22 lbs honey 3 gal water 10 tsp citric acid 2 tsp tartaric acid 1.5 tsp tanin 4 tsp yeast nutrient Czworniak -("Quadruple" - refers to water to honey ratio) - 5 gals. 17 lbs honey 4 gals water 1 tsp tartaric acid 1 tsp tanin 4 tsp yeast nutrient Additives to Polish Mead hops - 2 ozs 1 tsp ginger part of a stick of cinamon 1/2 stick vanilla pinch of nutmeg 6 cloves 2 pepper corns lemon skin orange skin champagne, sherry or Madiera yeast - rehydrated at 100 degrees F. Directions Boil water, add honey and citrus skins. Tie hops and spices in a cloth with a small stone so that the cloth bag sinks to the bottom. Boil the liquid and skim until clear. Remove from heat, allow to cool. Place liquid in primary fermenter, add rehydrated yeast. Skim, then rack to secondary fermenter. If using hop pellets, several rackings may be required. Allow several weeks, or at least two to three years for the Czworniak or Trojniak respectively. The sugar reading should be zero or less upon completion of fermentation. Bottle and age at least one years. Original recipe calls for aging between seven and one hundred years.